Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Monday, February 3, 2025

Goodbye 2024

December 17, 2024. I can’t just do anything anymore. I just think. Instead of jumping in my car, buckling up, and driving away; I mentally and emotionally swim back and fourth in my skull, while my task at hand drowns.

The droning sound of the heater fan, and my driver seat slowly heating up, keep me in a calm physical sedation among all this thinking. Did I do something to piss off God? Why is basically everything in my life going to shit right now? Family, friends, job, work, money, health… Sanity?

Each topic takes a turn reminding me of its need to be addressed, and questions what I will do to fix each situation. I can’t fix anything. I just put bandages on things, hope they will hold for a bit, and celebrate the arrival of yet another problem.

Suddenly, for a split second, all thought stopped. I catch myself staring out the passenger side window, and I take a broken, slow breath. Leaves still on the ground, no snow, the color of the sky just before dark, the abstract shapes of the trees, the hopes and wishes of the Christmas lights; all juxtaposed against the power lines and street lights of my warm and familiar lowbrow middle America neighborhood. I can’t explain it, in this moment, this little voice in my head said, “everything is gonna be ok.” But I never heard a word, Just my whole being felt it. I put the car in reverse and drove off.

Goodbye 2024.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Personal sacred places, spaces, and things

I have always kept items and things that bring me any form of joy, peace, strength, hope, reflection or memories. I think maybe in a way we all do this, kinda like a little kid putting all his favorite stickers on his bed headboard; looking at all of them together brings on a certain emotional happiness. Lately in my life this has become a stronger obsession for me, it's like i'm bonding more with certain specific items and images and spaces. Colors and patterns now have personalities and emotions to them I've never felt before, things that are colorful and sparkle grab my attention, as if I am turning into a crow or something? Random environmental spaces allure me with their unique lighting and feeling. I'm finding myself highly grateful to little things like my pocket knife for it's daily useful purpose.
Why? I don't know. Did drinking for years dull my emotions and feelings? Probably... or is the collective consciousness transitioning into 5D as they are telling us? Probably as well. Who knows, I'm just getting weirder, and that's ok, it feels good and I don't give a shit. Currently, I am turning my bedroom slowly into my personal sacred space filled with things, images, colors, and moods that I resonate highly with. A personal museum to my inner peace, stickers on the headboard included.

Find your inner peace...

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Dreams are fucked up

I don't normally take naps, I don't like too. But just recently I started working a bit of some more physical work to offset all the time I spend behind the computer; a bit of Yin & Yang for the mind and body is my thinking. I'm way outta shape and I come home beat & dead tired. Today I got home and couldn't keep my eyes open, then crashed for about 2 hrs or so. Lately I have had the most fucked up dreams, and today was one of them. So intense and detailed you cannot tell if it's reality or not. I haven't had any alcohol in over 4 months so dreams are hitting hard core compared to basically passing out then just waking up oblivious to my sleep. I was so emotionally hit by this dream that I immediately wrote/sketched down all the details I could remember before I would forget (above, forgive my shitty spelling). I'm not gonna get into this dream itself, there was no ending build up or climatic punch. It was more of the intense detail and extreme emotions I felt during the dream; it fucks you up in the sense of what is real life or "reality". Of course, this is a common and timeless philosophical question, right? But one that is asked strongest right after the experience. I'm into all the spiritual, esoteric, ancient knowledge, hermetic principles, religious cultures and so on, a student always studying and reading everything I can wrap my head around. And, if we are not our body and are basically energy, all part of the collective conscience, a fragment of the all, or God; then what we dream is as "real" as when we are awake. When asleep, are we at certain points able to produce certain chemicals or emotions allowing us to experience or visit different realities or dimensions of our existence? Getting guidence to change or alter a life event? Or viewing our life as living on a different choice of the universe? Is what we call our waking life in the so called "here", just a dream to us somewhere else? Whatever the case, I think our dreams are just as real to our purpose of existence as our "awake" thinking and emotions. This is why we feel so emotionally confused when we wake up and try to make sense of them.